Saudi model Ash has posted a new photo on her social networking site, showing off her body, especially her buttocks. Note that "Ash" has removed the comment feature from his posts on his social networking site. Ash wrote: while commenting on the photo: “If the distance reaches the maximum of desire, my wish would cross your distance and bring you back. On the other hand, Ash posted a video showing his taekwondo training. Ash is known to have violated Saudi customs. and still posts his scandalous photos on the pages of his own social networking site and wrote a comment on the video: "Stronger than yesterday.
Model Ash is not enough for a man!
Model Ash sparked controversy a few days ago, according to a video posted on her page and relayed by the media, to warn women who are married to her, because she is not satisfied with a man, and wishes to marry men several times. different nationalities and from different Arab countries. Model Ash relies heavily on images that reveal her charm in outrageous ways, and they don't care about customs or traditions, and live by her whims. Some adore it and others criticize it.